Monday, June 16, 2008

Freedom in living

This is my fourth blog. The last three, wich are all in norwegian, have trivial names; Vaugely translated, "Thinking-thoughts", "Writings" and "Thor's photoblog". This fourth blog will hopefully be my most important and personal blog, and i thought it should have a name that meant something.

My wish for life is to really live it, and to do so freely. To travel where i wish, spend my time where i want, with who i want. Get to know and love more people. Do things worthwhile. See the world, learn new tounges, learn new skills. Hug everyone, flourish like a person and be who i really am.

My life is not like that right now, but i'm trying to make it so. My first thought for a name was "the struggle for freedom", but it sounds a bit dramatic, don't you think? My chains are no worse then a bigish loan and the need for an education. When the chains are gone, i've got tickets here and there to living life. In two years, hopefully, there will be no real chains.

"Freedom in living", as you see, is my vision and my hope, and hopefully in not too long will be something i can live by. The vision is perhaps a airy and idealistic one, and one i would be embarassed with a lot of people reading. If people in real life asked me about this, i would shrug it off and change the subject. But this is my real vision, and what i really want to do. I'm just not secure enough about it yet.

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At September 12, 2008 at 11:55 PM , Blogger Janika said...

I wouldn t call an education as a chain. After high school you have a choice to do what you want. If You have chosen an University, then it s a choice. And why should you study something you do not like. University times are one of the best ones to fill your time with a lot of fun. I remember my university times like crazy ones...A lot of organising, different activites, trainings, friends...! Usually the activities and friends and nature of home are really the best. To understand it, we have to live away also. I love my country and I get really the best contact with Estonias. And in other countries you will be for always still somebody from outside.
But ofcourse, to understand the real value of your homecountry, LIVE somewhere else, not as a turist, this is simple, but try to live for about 6 moths...


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