Monday, June 16, 2008

There's one main obstacle to blogging

To me there's one main obsticle to blogging. It's not that i haven't got enough toughts, my head is full and it's wonderfull to structure the mess in there into a blogpost. It's not that my life is too empty, because i'm better at describing thoughts, wishes and dreams then actual events anyways. It's not that i don't really want to blog, it's a plesant thing to do. And it's not that i don't think anyone reads it - i know that the people i care about to read it quite likely will.

No, there's one main obstacle, and that's silence. Silence in form of solitude, lack of background noises, lack of big distractions. If i am to write something long, it would usually have to happen over multiple shifts, because there will be distractions in the meantime. Today has been one of the most distraction-free days in absolute ages. It has felt wonderfull. Even so, my first blogpost here happened over multiple stages. There was a rather long conversation with my sisters boyfriend and there was making dinner inbetween before it was done.Most days, my working days or school days or want-something-done days, it's very hard to find or take time to write.

I'll try my best not to disappoint with this blog, though.

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