Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Operation Days Work rolls off tomorrow!

As i mentioned earlyer, i'm the leader for the events around Operation Days Work at my school. Lat time i blogged about it, it was with a lukewarm tone. Since then my thoughts about the project and about my task around it, has lighetned considerably! Talk about a great group of people to have in a comittè! We get stuff done, and have a lot of fun inbetween. Pretty much everything i've wanted to do has gone trough the system without big problems, and tomorrow it's going down with the schedual i first suggested.

First half of the day i've delegated to 3 teachers. They are going to have different related activities that i have little control about, but i have delegated it to the best teachers we have so i know it'll be good. And then we have a free 'brunch' with my own twist of bangladeshi food. The national dish of bangladesh is fish and rice. I changed it to chicken and curry-rice just for tomorrow. Much more tasty! As if anyone is going to check. Then comes my leacture about what OD, and this years project, is. Then comes the play, then we watch the project movie.

The play is crazy! I've got to be director and self-proclaimed artistic mastermind og my own play, i laid the basis scetch for the scenes, and with a lot of help from my fellow actors it's now evovled into something that i think will be a great and perhaps overly hilareous play. The theme for the play is involountary marige and education, whilst the read thread without my intention seems to have turned into menstruation. I'll tell you more about this later, hopefully it will end up on Youtube.

Greatness! I'll be sure to give you a proper report of how things worked out tomorrow.

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