Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Linux BSOD

Windows is all-Famous for the BSOD, but today linux showed me that it can do the same. This means my pc is dead, and i am temporarily forced offline.



At October 15, 2008 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least it doesn't look fatal? Have you tried googling? As long as your disk and files are still okay, I would guess this could be fixed without loss of data :)

At October 15, 2008 at 1:07 PM , Blogger reldred said...

Pfft, Thorrune, your PC isn't dead. Your X server is just broken. It is fixable, but chances are, if you're likening this to a BSOD and you think that this is fatal, you don't have the skills to fix the problem. Don't worry, I'm not holding that against you, it took me a good long while to get to the stage where I could diagnose and fix faults like that. Other people might be able to give you step by step instructions on how to fix it from that stage, unfortunately, while I can fix that exact problem you have, I can't just spit the commands out off the top of my head and write them down. I'm a very hands-on person when it comes to that type of thing.

Get a live CD, copy your home directory to a USB hard drive or somewhere safe that you can get to. Network share if you can, whatever.

Once your files are copied somewhere safe, reinstall Linux.


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