Saturday, September 20, 2008

Surprising smile

So I'm sitting in the register at the store, doing my work, completely in my own thoughts, monotonely beeping the wares and typing weightcodes. And suddenly, there's a girl smiling warmly at me! My first thought is if i know her, but i soon realise i don't. I'm too stumped to really smile back, but i say hi to her more cheerfully then i usually do, and she keeps smiling all the time she's there. Such a big, warm, beautiful smile! I don't think i manage to smile back, but as she leaves i thank her for smiling, and she says everything is more fun when you're smiling. And I'm in a brilliant mood for a good while after, being more nice to the other costumers and looking more brightly on my job.

That was a few days ago. Today she was there again, and surprised me just as much with her smile. This time i smiled back, spontaneously and probably quite wide, because I'm properly happy to see her again - and I'm happy the rest of the workday, and i still feel good when i think about it. Such a wonderful thing to do! She actually really lifted my day twice now!

I wish there were more people like that.



At September 20, 2008 at 9:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds really rather nice. :)


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