Saturday, November 8, 2008

I really really really loath the EU

(Warning: Long angry political ramble comming up)
I'm getting more and more annoyed, and more and more glad Norway is not part of this Union of shit. Look at them! They want to create one single big gouvenement from the whole of europe! With common laws, common money, common directives... Directives that makes no sense, laws that the single EU citizen would have no real input on. They're not a democracy, even less then the US, as they have the founding countries with veto, thus leaving every other country rights significantly lessened - and who votes for the EU heads? And now this retard president of France comes and tires to turn it into an extreme control unit, with detail-control of every single bank in all of the EU. With good intentions up front doubtlessly, but i really loath any thought of a big brother society. Freedom and trust is important! Watching this idiot talk on the news is what triggerd this ramble.

These directives... EU directives count in Norway because we (along only with Iceland) is part of the EEA, and we need to follow them to trade into the union. My former stepfather was denied to start a fish refining buisness because the smokery was placed outdoors, and because the shelves in hes cooling room was wooden. What the hell!? He invested a lot of money in building a production room, and they deny the start of it because he has to walk outside in fresh roural seaside air for 2 meters to put the fish in the smokery?

And along with the WTO, also a piece of shit organisation, the EU don't want any subsidieries, they want free trade. Did they stick their heads up their asses and forget all about reality? What do you think free trade will do to the resource balance og the world? What will it do to the self-sufficiantness of countries? If norway was to become a part of the EU, let's just cross our fingers, feet and penises we never will, we would loose all our agriculture as we would be unable to compete with EU markets - even if we cept todays subsidiaries. What do you think will happen to the world, if all agriculture moves to the south? It's good for a little while maybe, where the climatically best suited places are used for producation. But think twice! We're in a time of climate change! The weight of agriculture will inevedably be shifted northwards, and countries like Norway will be the ones to feed the world. Have you seen any statistics of what parts of the world has the most ruined soil? It's Europe. We've been driving our soil too hard, using too much unnatural fertilizers and such. I say we, but actually... Norway, and northern sweeden, is the exeption. As we traditionally have not had these monster-giant farms driving their earth to death, and in stead have had smaller and less intense uses of out soil, we have among the best soil in the world. If norway now learns, as we are in the proggress to, to use organic framing - we'll be great, we'll be a stable and long-lasting high-producing suplier of food. And what then, if the EU has choked all of norways agriculture, and the expertise and interest in the population is long gone..?

I admit one thing that's great about the EU. The freedom of travel. But that's for us inside the EU - it's making things hard er for the people outside. If you're a refugee from a third world country, you've got one shot to get into the EU. Just one. If you get rejected by one country in the union, you're rejected by all countries. If you're a non-poor person from a non-EU non-rich country, you'll have to struggle if you want to travel within the EU.

Phew. This has to be enough for today. Feel absolutely free to disagree with me, even loudly and angrily in the comments field. Good day to you!

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At November 14, 2008 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vi sier nei, sier nei, sier nei, nei, nei!


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