Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hiking Breitinden

Breitinden ('The Broad Pinnackle') is the 700 meter tall mountain just above the Tommeltinden ('The Thumb Pinnackle', seen on the right) wich i've climbed earlyer. A week or so ago i went up there with my dad, brother and Aragorn.

First it is a bit of wood-walking, up to the Vetfjell-hut and trough hell street (hellgata). A nice and easy walk. Then the climb suddently starts. There is multiple routes up Breitinden, i know of two and there is probably at least one more. We took the most direct, but rather steep, route. Straight up from 2-300 meters, trough gravel and cliffs and somtimes loose or slippery rocks, straight up to 700 meters.

This is from the foot of the mountain looking towards Leinesfjord (North), and this is some of the climb.

I think this is a rather ugly mountain. Hardly anything green, and it looks so rugged and torn. I sort of get the impression that it looks like an evil mountain. Like one where the fairytale villan has hes dark castle. But! The view is all but ugly. Feel free to feast your eyes!

Eastward, then Northward.

And to demonstrate ruggedness, this is the view up towards Kråktinden, The Crow Pinnacle. Don't you agree that this could easily be the home of a villan? Like, the outskirts of mordor, only with too blue skies.

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At August 21, 2008 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some really nice views there.

At August 22, 2008 at 1:04 AM , Blogger Mari said...

Wow..... I always thought Norway was something mystical, got this vision of Norway from epic stories like "Older-Edda" (not sure how's it called in English). These pictures to me really represent this idea. I don't think this mountain is ugly:) It's wonderful! It's a miracle of nature:) And so is the view of course..


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