Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wonderful vecation

Though my mind recently has been overshadowed by my cars speedy demise, now that I'm done thinking about that I'll write about my actual vacation.

Because it has been real good. Up and down like always, but in general very good, and as always best towards the end. Since last blogging i spent a weekend on Kirkevik and a whole week in Ransberg, Sweeden.

Kirkevik is Juvente Norways holiday home, idyllically placed on a relatively hidden-away corner of Nesodden in the Oslo fjord. Kristina arranged a pirate weekend, where the idea was to dress like a pirate and do piratey stuff, and the execution was to relax for a weekend in the sun. Like every time i go to a Juvente gathering, i meet new fine people, get hugs and have a nice time. The sun was extreme, and the bathing temperature was simply the best i have experienced outdoors. We watched movies outdoors at night (warming each other as the night gets cold), and bathed in water and sun during the day. A very nice (literal?) warm-up before the Active Summercamp, possibly even better then the actual camp.

Which also was warm. Very warm. Each day was as sunny as the next.

Getting to the camp. I drove there in my car, alone as always, and i just followed my GPS. I typed in Ransberg as the camp is in Ransberg Mansion, and it found a small village south of Karlstad. I drove by the GPS, and 2 hours after Karlstad i was there, but i couldn't find the campsite. And as Rasto helped me with finding some one who could give me directions, it became clear that Ransberg Mansion is in Ransäter, 3 hours in the opposite direction! I must admit i was rather angry with myself. But, eventually, 3 hours later and after nightfall, i was finally there. Put up my tent, met Piia and Kristiina from Estonia again, and Rasto from Slovakia, whom i know from the Budapest seminar.

That night i discovered that i had actually put my tent on top of the water pipeline in the dark (au), and with the morning sunrise it was evident that my tent does not remain cool in scolding hot sun. The next 3 days after i slept in the cooler forest under open sky.

There were activities like games, volleyball, car mechanics, first aid and a little what the scouts call 'hiking trip'. That's a 30 minute walk on a gravel road up to a lake. We had to make our own food every day in our cooking group, which meant we spent many hours on that. I thought that to be nice. Every evening most spent in the night cafè, though i mostly went to bed early. There was also a disco with very, very shitty music. And there was scouts. A lot of scouts. Active had the camp in collaboration with the swedish scouts, and there was about 700 of them there, as opposed to about 300 actual Active-members. Why do scouts always build so much?

I spent most time with the Estonians. They are nice people. I'll miss some of them, even though they talked a lot in Estonian. It's rather rude, really, when there's people who can't understand it around. I didn't talk Norwegian to the Norwegians or sweeds when there was other people around. But i guess that is something you will experience with any multinational group. Also the Albanians only was with other Albanians, and the Slovaks the same. But again, to be expected.

I hardly used my camera this summer for some reason, i think i have only one picture to show you;

Melis, the Estonian hunk who enjoys walking around in hes underpants. He was quite happy that hes name means something sweet in Norwegian. Here on top of Piia. I think i owe him a massage.

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At August 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, ALL scouts are Active Members! I guess what you meant is, that there were 700 Swedes and 300 people from all around Europe.

I think it is a pity that people stick to their "national" friends instead of reaching out. On the one hand, I can also understand: Many just do not speak English so well and thus do not feel confident enough. On the other I cannot understand: people travel to an international camp. And this fact makes them feel incredibly special, because they hang out with people "from many different cultures" and people feel so tolerant and open, and over this, they somehow don't realize that they only stick to their "national" friends.

At August 14, 2008 at 7:46 PM , Blogger Thor-Rune said...

Ahh, i didn't know that they were. I don't believe these scouts has taken a standpoint against alcohol in the same way UNF or other Active members has. I overheard them talking about drinking and things of the like, in ways i would never thing a proper Active-member to do. I suppose you understand now what i meant to say.

At August 18, 2008 at 3:03 PM , Blogger Mari said...

Haha I just love this picture:D You poor guy. You managed to take 1 photo and that was Meelis in this kind of position:D


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