Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nine things you can do wrong working at a grocery store

  1. Sell 6 bottles of beer as 63 bottles of beer 'cause your fingers slip. Luckily the cotumer said "no, i'm not paying that much" and i fond out.
  2. Sell a 6'er of beer (6X1 bottle) as 36 bottles of beer because you do 6X6. This costumer baught it, looked at the receet and got her money back - a lot of money.
  3. Ask people for ID when they're buying non-alcoholic drinks (in todays case, a 4-pack of Burn energy drink). I got rather red.
  4. Not ask people about my age for ID when they are buying alcoholic drinks. I do this very little, but somtimes my mind slips.
  5. Ask somone who could be my father for ID. I've asked a guy aged 32.
  6. Mistype when somone i making a whithdrawal of 300 NOK, so that you accidentally withdraw 8000 NOK from their account. That's a bad one! Luckily i had enough money in the register, but if it'd been a less bussy day, i don't even know what i'd do.
  7. Yawn loudly. I didn't think any much of it before somone else said i couldn't do that.
  8. Throwing away the receet, get asked for it, and ask the costumer if they would like to look trough the trashcan. I didn't intend it rude, didn't undertand that it was, before the manager took me aside the day after and told me that he had got a complaint from a costumer and that he was very angry and that if i did it one more time, i could easily loose my job.
  9. Write a note to the manager that i'm gone from 31st of october till 3rd of november, and instead write 3rd of may so the manager goes and hires a new person because he thinks i'll be gone for half a year.

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At November 15, 2008 at 7:08 PM , Blogger R@100 said...

you've really done theese things? ouch

At November 15, 2008 at 9:36 PM , Blogger Thor-Rune said...

Mhm. 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 happened today, triggering this bloggeration. (along with other lesser annoying things done wrong not worth blogging about)

At November 16, 2008 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of them aren't too bad, though, I mean, I think everybody should be asked for ID when buying alcohol, that way there wouldn't be room for any doubt as to whether or not the person is old enough. And most people have their wallet and ID ready for paying anyways, so..

But some of the other points on the list, well.. hehe. Hope you get to keep the job ;)

At November 23, 2008 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeg tror alle gjør slike tabber på jobb. Forskjellen er at du tør å skrive de ned, til glede for oss andre! :)

Fortsett å spør folk om ID, selv om de er gamle! Personlig blir jeg av og til spurt om leg, av og til ikke, samtidig som jeg går som barn på bussen. Jeg er 23 år. Så det kan ikke være lett å gjette alder.


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