Monday, June 30, 2008

Hiking Sørskottaksla

I recently climbed sørskottaksla. That is the tall mountain under wich i have lived since i was 6. I've thought about climbing it the last year or so, and not long ago i finally decided to take the step outdoors and get on top of things. The first and last part of the climb was particularily steep; Ididn't choose the easyest path but instead went up a steep, loose scree at the foot of the mountain. 

Climbing in screes (that mass of crumbeled rock at mountains feet) is a lot of fun, particularily if it's a rough scree. There's a lot of places to exercise balance, and to climb with leaps and bounds. Climbing in loose scree is significantly less fun. You have to watch each step to see if the rock is loose or not, and you have to move slow not to cause a raze. In places, it's rahter idiotic to climb the scree, because a raze could at worst kill you. But - i should just tell you this sooner rather than then later - i am stubborn! 

Above the scree the climb flattened for a bit, with only a bit of climb. But by then, i had become hungry. I was walking completely in my own thoughts, somewhat in a bad mood for the hunger, when suddently i jumped because something made a loud flapping noice in front of me. It was the mother of these cute little guys, who i unwillingly spooked out of her nest.

Right now i wish my knowledge of species had been better, so i could tell you who this is. I know it's a common bird, so i am a bit ashamed to admit that i don't know. But these little people is pretty freshly hatched. Cute birds! I really hope i didn't scare the mother off for too long. (Edit pr 2. July - I've now found out that it was the very common Willow Grouse, nor: Rype)

The last part of the mountain was steep, but safe and easy to climb. I was getting very hungry, but i was starting to get a splendid view. I tried to eat some crowberry roots, and it eased things a bit, but probably mostly by fooling my stomach to think it was getting some food.

Then came the top, and the beautifull view, and a (significantly hunger-dampened) feeling of sucess. Lookie!


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At July 2, 2008 at 10:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it look something like that?
I may be wrong, the chicks' beaks look somewhat too short and stubby, but they do grow.

That's a red phalarope which, iirc, is common in your area.

Those photographs are amazing!


At July 2, 2008 at 11:33 PM , Blogger Thor-Rune said...

Thanks for the suggestion, but actually, i found out by asking a bird-knower that this is in fact a very common Willow Grouse :) (Rype)


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