Thursday, August 21, 2008

The singing revolution

Why does not all schools teach of this the Estonian revolution and their breakout from the sovjet union? Yesterday, 20th of august, was Estonias reindependance day, as i learnt from reading Mari's blog. They celebrate the singing revolution, where 300 000 estonians sang forbidden patriotic songs.

Citing Wikipedia, in 1987 demonstrations in Talinn involving spontanious singing eventually gathered 300 000 peoples singing patriotic songs and hymns forbidden by the soviet regime. Trough 1988 more similar, patriotic singing events occurred, untill in September 1988 where the festival "Song of Estonia" again gathered 300 000 estonians, that's over a quarter of the population, including this time politicians actively demanding the restoration of independance. This revolution lasted for 4 years, allways with many similar events. Finally in 1991, as soviet tanks tried to stop the progress towards independance and people acted as human shields to protect radio and TV stations from the soviet tanks, the Congress of Estonia proclaimed Estonia a free state, and tore out of Soviet.  

In this way, Estonia peacefully and without blooshed, broke free and got their independance. This to me is a fantastic thing! Estonians should be proud of their history, because this peacefull revolution is a perfect example of how peacefull, political, even artistic and undoubtably esteticly wondwerfull actions is a full-good, even far better, alternative to military coups and armed rebellions. I am beginning to like Estonia more and more.

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At August 22, 2008 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just learning about this the other week (well, it was probably at least a month ago now) while watching Michael Palin's New Europe series. Most interesting.


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