Sunday, July 6, 2008

A summer to look forward to!

Summer plans is pretty much decided now! So far this summer I've mostly worked, but with a lot of niceness in between. In a bit under two weeks, though, starts the part of summer with only sheer niceness!

About the 17th I'll buy my first car. About the 20th I'll be on the road southwards. The 22nd I'll be in Trondheim to see Iron Maiden live at lerkendal stadium! From the 27th to the 3rd of august i'll be at Actives summercamp in Ransberg, Sweden! After that i don't know. Perhaps Oslo for summercamp afterparty? Perhaps visiting some of my family or friends here and there? This leaves time for any spontaneous traveling-urges. School starts sometime mid or late august.

Maiden will be positively orgasmic, while summercamp will be a unmeasurable prolonged pleasure moan afterwards. I'm not sure wich one i am looking most forward to. Just, yay!

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At July 20, 2008 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

=) I am looking fwd to meeting you at the camp and I think I am not looking fwd to saying bye afterwards.

At July 20, 2008 at 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha..the anonymous - it´s me. Kristina =)


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