Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A bit too much fun with my car

I've recently discovered the joy of handbrake turns. Pull the handle in a turn and slide (hopefully) controlled around a corner. It's rather fun, and i think it trains my feeling with the car, and might help me in a real case of loosing grip.

However, as my topic indicates, today i had a little bit too much fun. At a very slow speed, i slowly and nicely handbrake-turned around a lone corner, but then the car kinda dind't stop turning when the road did, and i ended softly and nicely with one wheel in a ditch. Damn my camera to hell for braking at the wrong moment, because this is something theat should have been documented on a picture. I was stuck, no motion in my car no matter what i did, and i couldn't move it a centimeter.

Now you'd expect me to get red and feel like an idiot, but though i realise the stupidness of what i just did, i'm so used to schrewing up and shitting myself on the leg, that i don't really react to it anymore. I just laughed, not even a manic laugh of dispair, but a hearthily laugh.

And by a strike of luck, i was in the ditch 10 meters from the closest gas station, and by even more luck, 10 minutes later a guy in a big 4x4 Toyota Hilux pulled in to that gas station, and got me out of the ditch with no problem at all. So i got a reason to buy a thugging rope, i got to use my warning triangle for the first time, i got to laugh a lot at myself, and i got to realize that i was getting too confident where i had insufficiant control.

All in all, a positive experience!

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