OD info-day passed!
The OD-info day is over, and it went relatively as planned. The day started with two less fun messages;
First, the water to the school was cut, so the free brunch would be significantly amputated. That’s actually their fault entirely, because they changed plans from just the fried chicken and curry-rice that we had agreed upon, wich don’t require that much water, to a chicken soup that requires a steamboiler. They had to go with my plan, though, but that meant they had far, far too little chicken. Lesson learned: Never trust the chef.
Secound message was that one of the 3 teachers that was going to do the first half of the day, had decided it’d be a good idea to just go to a meeting instead without tellings us, and give the ball to two random students, and then not come back again untill after the day claiming he tried to reach us yesterday but didn’t manage. If he’d asked for us at the office, they’d known… But we compensated with people from the committè, and it went relatively okay. Lesson learned: Never trust teachers. Or, at least; never trust Roy.
The other two teachers however did a great job, and I think the students actually enjoyed and learned things from both their classes. I guested both for a while, and it was largely informative. A interesting thing to notice though, was that only about half the students was present. But, their absence has been noted.
The brunch was very tasty even if chicken was scarce, and I think people were happy about it. My presentation was largely crappy, much because I wasn’t all that prepared, and much because I’m not all that good a leacturer. But, the other two raised that level a bit, and considering the people they are used to standing on that stage, I suppose it was quite okay. The came the play!
It’s on youtube allready. Mind, it’s in norwegian, recorded with my camera, sometimes hardly audiable, slightly amputated because I forgot to turn the camera on before the play started… But it should still be worth the watch! I think it went very well, people laughed a lot. Unexpected awsome things happened. But I’m afraid you’ll miss the blood, because I turned the camera on too late.
Last we watched the project movie, wich wasn’t all that good, and the summary from the project we executed 2 years ago, wich was rather not good. Then people were happy to go home, and I think we managed a rather good day!