Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My dream for the summer

I've been thinking and dreaming and looking at maps and planning for a while now. I've got this dream for what to do next summer, and i'm really, really hoping it will come true! Next years Active summercamp is in Albania. I want to roadtrip there! And incorporate into that a trip all around the baltic. Hopefully go with more Juvente-folk, ether from norway (Maria? More?) or Estonia (Maria? Tiina? More?) or both. 

I've not gotten so far with checking, but my little scetch so far is;

Steigen (Home) - Talinn, Tartu (Estonia) - Lviv (Ukraine) - Suceava, Bucaresti, Odobesti (Romania, where i know some) - Athens (Greece) - Albania (Summercamp) - Sarajevo (B&H) - Beograd (Serbia, Wile. E Coyote from tt-forums) - Budapest (Hungary, fine city), Prèsov (Slovakia, Rasto?) - Tartu/Talinn - Home.

That's according to google maps, 9800 km. With some margin, i have to expect 10 000 NOK in gas! So, now i'm trying the best i can to save up for it, and i'm trying to get others also wanting to go. This of course is my dream, and i'll probably have to downscale it, but i like to shoot high.

Semi-illustrative picture from Budapest. I don't know these people, but they look beautifull together and with the city.

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Damn car

I've now just had the EU-control on my car. And, as you understand from the title, the result is not particularily uplifting. I suppose it could have been worse, but i've ended up with a offering from the garage at 7000 NOK to fix it just enough to pass! I'm trying to get parts of it done by, uhm, less expensive mechanics (*caugh*). But it's not looking too good right now. Bah. I can't afford this, i'm saving for my summerplans!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Something i never expected to find in my car

I've had a problem with a smell in my car since i bought it, particularily when it has been warm. I've just thought my seats were sweaty or something, not thinking about it anymuch. And then today i decide to do a intereor clean of my car, and... Ew! On the floor under the left rear seat, my car floor has molded and looks like a loaf of bread forgotten for a week, and on the floor under the front passanger seat there are actually something that looks like maggots! I was vacuuming the floor, and there were these strange white things that i couldn't get into the hoover. On a closer look, they were moving around and sort of slowly digging in and out of the floor. It was a rather unplesant revelation, but at least i now know why my car smells like crap.

I think i've managed to clean it though, using a lot of detergent, a scrub and a towel. Just hoping my car won't smell like a detergent for all time!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

The singing revolution

Why does not all schools teach of this the Estonian revolution and their breakout from the sovjet union? Yesterday, 20th of august, was Estonias reindependance day, as i learnt from reading Mari's blog. They celebrate the singing revolution, where 300 000 estonians sang forbidden patriotic songs.

Citing Wikipedia, in 1987 demonstrations in Talinn involving spontanious singing eventually gathered 300 000 peoples singing patriotic songs and hymns forbidden by the soviet regime. Trough 1988 more similar, patriotic singing events occurred, untill in September 1988 where the festival "Song of Estonia" again gathered 300 000 estonians, that's over a quarter of the population, including this time politicians actively demanding the restoration of independance. This revolution lasted for 4 years, allways with many similar events. Finally in 1991, as soviet tanks tried to stop the progress towards independance and people acted as human shields to protect radio and TV stations from the soviet tanks, the Congress of Estonia proclaimed Estonia a free state, and tore out of Soviet.  

In this way, Estonia peacefully and without blooshed, broke free and got their independance. This to me is a fantastic thing! Estonians should be proud of their history, because this peacefull revolution is a perfect example of how peacefull, political, even artistic and undoubtably esteticly wondwerfull actions is a full-good, even far better, alternative to military coups and armed rebellions. I am beginning to like Estonia more and more.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hiking Breitinden

Breitinden ('The Broad Pinnackle') is the 700 meter tall mountain just above the Tommeltinden ('The Thumb Pinnackle', seen on the right) wich i've climbed earlyer. A week or so ago i went up there with my dad, brother and Aragorn.

First it is a bit of wood-walking, up to the Vetfjell-hut and trough hell street (hellgata). A nice and easy walk. Then the climb suddently starts. There is multiple routes up Breitinden, i know of two and there is probably at least one more. We took the most direct, but rather steep, route. Straight up from 2-300 meters, trough gravel and cliffs and somtimes loose or slippery rocks, straight up to 700 meters.

This is from the foot of the mountain looking towards Leinesfjord (North), and this is some of the climb.

I think this is a rather ugly mountain. Hardly anything green, and it looks so rugged and torn. I sort of get the impression that it looks like an evil mountain. Like one where the fairytale villan has hes dark castle. But! The view is all but ugly. Feel free to feast your eyes!

Eastward, then Northward.

And to demonstrate ruggedness, this is the view up towards Kråktinden, The Crow Pinnacle. Don't you agree that this could easily be the home of a villan? Like, the outskirts of mordor, only with too blue skies.

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My room

For the 4th year in a row, i am living at a boarding school in a small boarding-school room.  I'm quite happy with it, actually. Finally today i'm almost completely moved in. Still got some big furniture at home that my dad will bring when he gets time (inbetween sports), that will make my room more complete. But here it is, as of now;

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Monday, August 18, 2008

The returning veterans

We're 5 veterans returning to Kleiva after 1 years abstinance, to have our fourth year here. It's me, and it is;

Tor-Erling, the retard with the snide remarks. 2 years ago hes life motto was "half-ass", this year he has upgraded it to "do it later". 2 years ago hes main goal in life was to moon somone trough the car window as he overtook them. Now that goal is fullfilled, and hes next goal is to sleep in a cardboard box on the street.

Alf Magne looses-the-rose is the man evrybody loves, but can't quite explain why.

Øyvind hates communists, EU and a lot of other things. While everyone else has a dog, Øyvind has a dead crab. He now owns a house together with the aforementioned retard, and they together named the house "musehus" or "The vagina shack". 

Thom is an amusing man. He has made a teacher cry with snide remarks about smoking mushrooms and paralysed kids. He has red hair on hes ballsack, not orange, and he loves to sleep.


Back at Kleiva!

It's incredible. I'm back again to my old school, like so many I seem to grow stuck here. I've gone 3 years and have got study competance before, now I'm back for the 4th year to also become an agronomist. And look! Everyone else is back too. 3 of the people who finished at the same time as me is back, and the old spirit and fun has risen again. They haven't changed, things haven't changed, the school is just the same. Same old crappy bread, same old buildings and rooms, same old staff. Well, that is with some exeptions of course. A new tractor, a fixed-up TV-room, a new farm building, a few new teachers, and now we've all got cars (and i have a job). This is looking good so far! 

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stuck for thoughts

I've been sitting her for a while trying to write something. I've started writing about the conflict in Georgia, but i failed. I don't know enough and don't wholeheartedly care enough yet. Sadly, as it is not directly concearning me, i am having a hard time really caring. This is one of the big flaws in humanity, no? I've been wanting to write about sulusponsor, but i am not really ready to tell any much of it yet. I don't want to tell about my work before i've worked for a while and have a picture of me in uniform. School has not started yet and i am living with a great (and interesting) family that feels almost like my second home. But i don't really want to write about them ether right now. So i'll just have to write out the feeling of my writers block, or my lack of emediate writing skill. All i've mentioned here could make full and multiple and good blogposts. Eventually they will. So why does my head insist on not working?

It'll come to me.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wonderful vecation

Though my mind recently has been overshadowed by my cars speedy demise, now that I'm done thinking about that I'll write about my actual vacation.

Because it has been real good. Up and down like always, but in general very good, and as always best towards the end. Since last blogging i spent a weekend on Kirkevik and a whole week in Ransberg, Sweeden.

Kirkevik is Juvente Norways holiday home, idyllically placed on a relatively hidden-away corner of Nesodden in the Oslo fjord. Kristina arranged a pirate weekend, where the idea was to dress like a pirate and do piratey stuff, and the execution was to relax for a weekend in the sun. Like every time i go to a Juvente gathering, i meet new fine people, get hugs and have a nice time. The sun was extreme, and the bathing temperature was simply the best i have experienced outdoors. We watched movies outdoors at night (warming each other as the night gets cold), and bathed in water and sun during the day. A very nice (literal?) warm-up before the Active Summercamp, possibly even better then the actual camp.

Which also was warm. Very warm. Each day was as sunny as the next.

Getting to the camp. I drove there in my car, alone as always, and i just followed my GPS. I typed in Ransberg as the camp is in Ransberg Mansion, and it found a small village south of Karlstad. I drove by the GPS, and 2 hours after Karlstad i was there, but i couldn't find the campsite. And as Rasto helped me with finding some one who could give me directions, it became clear that Ransberg Mansion is in Ransäter, 3 hours in the opposite direction! I must admit i was rather angry with myself. But, eventually, 3 hours later and after nightfall, i was finally there. Put up my tent, met Piia and Kristiina from Estonia again, and Rasto from Slovakia, whom i know from the Budapest seminar.

That night i discovered that i had actually put my tent on top of the water pipeline in the dark (au), and with the morning sunrise it was evident that my tent does not remain cool in scolding hot sun. The next 3 days after i slept in the cooler forest under open sky.

There were activities like games, volleyball, car mechanics, first aid and a little what the scouts call 'hiking trip'. That's a 30 minute walk on a gravel road up to a lake. We had to make our own food every day in our cooking group, which meant we spent many hours on that. I thought that to be nice. Every evening most spent in the night cafè, though i mostly went to bed early. There was also a disco with very, very shitty music. And there was scouts. A lot of scouts. Active had the camp in collaboration with the swedish scouts, and there was about 700 of them there, as opposed to about 300 actual Active-members. Why do scouts always build so much?

I spent most time with the Estonians. They are nice people. I'll miss some of them, even though they talked a lot in Estonian. It's rather rude, really, when there's people who can't understand it around. I didn't talk Norwegian to the Norwegians or sweeds when there was other people around. But i guess that is something you will experience with any multinational group. Also the Albanians only was with other Albanians, and the Slovaks the same. But again, to be expected.

I hardly used my camera this summer for some reason, i think i have only one picture to show you;

Melis, the Estonian hunk who enjoys walking around in hes underpants. He was quite happy that hes name means something sweet in Norwegian. Here on top of Piia. I think i owe him a massage.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Gathering the pieces

My car has proved not to be too salvagable. It can be temporarily fixed so that i hopefully can drive it home, but it will never again pass a EU control (MOT). Fixing it temporarily will cost about 5000, and my insurance will cover 1500 of it, then i can maybe get the rest by selling it cheaply at home. The alternative is to wreck it here, wich will not give me anything, but i can go home for free by train. I am fixing it, to salvage things as best as possible, and be able to finish my holiday with some grace. This feels all but good, just one month after i baught it!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Car crash

A less fortunate ending to a splendid holiday - my car is crashed. Under a month since i bought it, i manage to drive in front of a car at a intersection. He hit my rear tire, and i was thrown armound 180 degrees on the wet asfalt and rolled back into a ditch. I'm okay, so is my passenger and the guy. But both cars are broken. Tomorrow i will hear with a mecanic, but hopefully i will be able to drive it home in some days.
